Health and safety executive

Job Title: Health & Safety Executive

Name: Bill Page

Company: Grampian Country Food Group

Professional Qualification(s):

MSC Health & Safety & Environmental Management, 9 GCSE’s, NEBOSH Diploma, DIP, MIOSH RSP and MIIRSM.

Brief overview of your job:

Responsible for leading and developing a strong Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Policy and strategy to ensure a cost effective approach is adopted to reduce risk and loss potential across the Group.

What does your job involve?

  • Provide leadership in all OHSE matters for the Company and ensure the functional Directors take ownership over OHSE• Manage on a day to day basis the OHSE Risk Management team
  • Develop Policy and Group OHSE performance KPI’s and monitor progress against these standards.
  • Represent the Company in dealings with external enforcement authorities
  • Advise the Board Directors in matters relating to OHSE and risks which could threaten the delivery the delivery of the 5 year plan.
  • Introduce initiatives to raise OHSE awareness and create a positive OHSE culture
  • Ensure any OHSE incidents are adequately investigated and appropriate control measures are introduced to prevent a reoccurrence.

What do you most like about your job?

  • There is great variety in the role, no day is exactly the same. It is also pleasing to be active in a role that aims to prevent ill-health and accidental injury to employees
  • It is rewarding to provide advice to the Company and directly influence Board decisions and direction taken and ensure OHSE is a core part of the business.

What skills are required in your job?

  • Good understanding of current legislation and best practice
  • An ability to plan a strategy and have the personal impact to ensure it is delivered
  • Clear communication skills is vital to the success of the role and coach ownership and support of others
  • Ability to consider the bigger picture and also focus on performance detail where required.

What is your advice to people looking for a career in the food & grocery industry?

  • Develop your career one stage at a time gaining as wide an experience base as possible.
  • Gain qualifications that support your career aspirations as the OHSE field continues to develop and those professionals that can cover more specialist areas become more attractive to industry
  • Don’t rush, build your qualifications and experience equally as they are both important.

Career so far:

  • Nestle UK
  • Uniq Foods
  • Arla Foods
  • Grampian Country Food Group