10 quick but important CV writing tips

Resume writing

The CV is your most important sales tool you can use when looking for a new job. It is one of the tools you’ll use again and again throughout your entire lifetime. Knowing some of the top tips to writing a good CV is important when you are getting your CV together. You want your CV to stand out from others and showcase your talents and abilities very well.

  1. Be honest. It’s easy for an employer to check your facts. It may seem to make you look better at the time but it can backfire. Also, if you are found out later you could be terminated. If you over-inflate your abilities you just won’t be able to live up to the expectations.
  2. Use one page only if that’s appropriate. Condense your information and remove anything that isn’t relevant. You can elaborate later in the interview. The best CVs are those that can be easily and quickly skimmed.
  3. Use bold headings to separate the sections and make it easy to read at a glance. Always put your name at the top. Don’t make employers hunt through the CV to find out your name or phone number.
  4. Always ask for exactly what you want. When listing your career objective be specific and honest. You won’t get what you want if you don’t ask for it! While you don’t want to shoot too high (avoid asking for the CEO’s job) you want to show that you are highly capable.
  5. Summarize your qualifications. Use the best descriptions you can write to describe your experience, skills and accomplishments. These should be bullet points. When reviewing your CV remove redundant words and look for similar words in a Thesaurus.
  6. Show relevant work history. When listing job responsibilities be creative and always attach real facts when possible. If you have extensive work history that dates back quite far you can leave off anything that is too old or totally irrelevant. If you don’t have much work history use what you do have to creatively tailor the experience to fit the job you’re applying for.
  7. Format your CV so that it’s easy to read. Keep it all one font – preferably a standard print type. Never use cursive! Don’t use fancy printed papers and forget about using italics and small print to fit everything onto the page.
  8. Use dynamic words to describe your achievements. Write using the most descriptive words you can think of to describe yourself. Take some help from other CVs and samples that you can find online. These will help you get thinking in the right direction.
  9. Include all relevant education and courses that pertain to the job. You can also include any important achievements or awards. Don’t list items that are too old, too tiny or that don’t apply. Instead think of the most current examples you can. If you don’t have any awards skip that section and expand on your education.
  10. Revise your CV towards the prospective employer. If you are looking for a specific job custom tailor your CV towards that company’s job. Review the company online to get a good idea of the corporate environment. Then make sure that you use the same types of words in your CV.

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