
5 reasons why your CV will be rejected

5 reasons why your CV will be rejected

Some jobseekers are fantastic at answering interview questions, but struggle to even get to one because of a lacklustre CV. Their failed attempts at explaining why they are worthy of employment means they keep on receiving rejection email after rejection email. If this sounds familiar to you, or you just want to ensure you get through to the interview stage; then read on for some great advice. We have 5 reasons why your CV will be rejected and how to avoid them. 1. Employment gaps An employment gap of a few months or even years will raise suspicion. The employer will jump to conclusions if you don’t attempt to explain your gap, which will likely result in rejection. Also, check back over your timeline to ensure there are no discrepancies…
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How to write an acting CV

How to write an acting CV

As an agency we deal with many different vacancies - acting doesn't tend to be one of them. However, we do get actors and actresses through the doors from time to time, looking for work in between jobs - and I'm often asked for advice on writing an acting CV. If you're a new actor or actress, here are 5 tips to get your acting career started. If your roles are a little thin on the ground, here's how to give your CV the boost it needs for success. First of all, let’s start with: What is a CV? If you’re a recent school leaver and are unfamiliar with what a CV is, let’s take a look. CV stands for Curriculum Vitae, and is the most commonly used format in…
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5 things you should avoid when writing a CV

5 things you should avoid when writing a CV

With so many high quality CVs to choose from, the employer is often spoilt with an excellent choice of applications. So just one mistake could see your application go straight to the ‘no’ pile. If you want to make it to the interview stage, here are the 10 things you should avoid when writing your CV. Applying when under-qualified When conducting an online job search you will come across lots of positions which offer great benefits. A nice big fat yearly salary along with a company car sounds great, right? But are you qualified for the role, and do you have the right skills and experience required? There is nothing wrong with applying for a job you feel you could do, even if you are not a perfect fit. You…
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What is a personal statement?

What is a personal statement?

10 years ago, I very rarely saw anything on a CV that resembled a personal statement. This kind of thing would be reserved for the cover letter, with the CV keeping strictly to the core sections (work history, education/qualifications and references - and sometimes skills and hobbies). Nowadays it's the other way around - I rarely see a CV that doesn't have a personal statement. And for those who've not written a CV for a while, I'm referring to a three or four line statement that goes underneath the name and contact info. However, having said that, I rarely see a GOOD personal statement. In fact, it really amazes me just how much people waste the opportunity that the personal statement provides. The role of a personal statement "A personal…
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The top 5 shocking CV mistakes you’re probably making

The top 5 shocking CV mistakes you’re probably making

So, you’ve just found the perfect job and have already written your CV and cover letter. Wait! Before you send it off you need to check that you haven’t made these common CV mistakes. If you want to ensure your CV doesn’t get instantly rejected, here are the top 10 shocking CV mistakes you’re probably making and how to fix them… Writing a generic CV  If you write just the one CV and use that to apply to numerous different companies, you are making a big mistake. Why? Because a company would always want to see an application that recognises the needs of the company and the role. You should always tailor your CV to each role and company to ensure you are highlighting what’s relevant to them. Even if…
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